Tara Davis, PE

NWP Mobility Lead (RETIRED) WSP (425) 785-4340 taradavis4315@gmail.com  


25 years ago, when I became an engineer I was excited to start solving problems and contribute to public works. Little did I know my understanding of engineering and public works would expand so much. My eyes were opened that it wasn’t just about calculations and creative ideas, but a team that can communicate and collaborate; people willing to work hard to find a solution and even harder to implement that solution; and a continual dedication to keep our communities running smoothly. Throughout my career I have been a part of many different professional organizations, but it wasn’t until I became active in APWA 13 years ago, that I truly found my home. I immediately became involved in the Transportation Committee which I co-chaired for a few years and remain an active member. I had the pleasure to serve as a board member from 2011-2013 learning about the behind the scenes workings of APWA Washington and the large number of volunteers it takes to keep our chapter operating at high standards. I was involved with the 2010 strategic planning efforts and co-chaired the Organization Partnership Committee. I joined the Education Committee (K-12) which was truly rewarding and I had the honor of sharing in the June Rosentreter Spence award for our efforts. I have helped represent APWA at the Puget Sound Engineering Council and the Volunteers Committee for PWX 2019 in Seattle. I am currently the NWP Mobility Lead at WSP USA. I am our APWA liaison and continue to grow WSP’s presence at conference and on committees. Through my career I’ve had to opportunity to work with many different clients and get the greatest satisfaction knowing that I helped an agency achieve their goals. I believe continual communication, honest collaboration and hard (smart) work are keys to success. I enjoy applying these same traits to help APWA Washington grow, improve and continue to diversify.
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