Published date: October 13, 2023
Construction Standards Division 1
Our mission is to provide Division 1 General Special Provisions (GSPs), bidding/contracting forms, and best practices, to help Local Agencies bid and administer public works projects when using the WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications as a base. One of the items our Committee spends a large amount of time on is the annual review of the new WSDOT/APWA Standard spec book for Div 1. The Committee determines if any revisions, APWA GSPs, are needed to accommodate local agency use.
Typical GSP Timeline:
- 6-8 weeks for the Committee (including WSDOT members) to prepare recommendations.
- 3-4 weeks for FHWA to produce comments.
- With high complexity GSPs it could take another iteration to resolve.
- After FHWA approval, it’s routed to WSDOT for posting on the website with a log of changes
- Local agencies are usually required to utilize the most current Standard Specifications about 3 months after approval.
2024 WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications
The 2024 WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications was released in September, which is the typical time for release but a few weeks later than usual, now that updates are made annually. Our Committee reviewed the 2024 Division 1 changes at our September 21st meeting ahead of the new book being released. The Committee is attempting to have APWA GSPs posted when local agencies need to begin utilizing the 2024 Standard Specifications for federal highway funded projects.
The date local agencies will be required to start using the 2024 Standard Specifications is not yet known. If you are planning to advertise a federal highway funded project the sooner, the less likely you are to be stuck in a holding pattern waiting for APWA GSPs to be posted. The alternative to waiting is to submit individual approvals for Division 1 specifications for each agency or project. This adds additional work reviewing special provisions for WSDOT and can delay advertisement dates while you wait for approval.
Upcoming Division 1 Changes
In other upcoming Division 1 changes, there will be a GSP change coming to 1-06 Build America/Buy America to address the recently approved waiver. WSDOT is waiting on FHWA approval before this GSP will be released. There are also proposed changes to the Disadvantage Business Enterprise specifications. These will both be released as GSPs and will not make it into the 2024 Standard Specifications.
Join the Division 1 Mailing List
The APWA Division 1 team has a mailing list and has been updating it with local agency contacts who would like to receive Division 1 updates about 5 times a year. The newsletters include our meeting notes as well as recently posted APWA Div. 1 General Special Provisions (GSPs) for Agency use along with why the change(s) occurred. If you would like to be added to the committee email list please contact the Committee Chair: Division 1 Committee
Request Division 1 GSPs
If you have any Division 1 GSPs you would like the Committee to discuss changing or adding please send your comments with suggested language to Hillary Stibbard at for the Committee’s consideration.